e-banner Malaysia

Product Description

Production Day2 Working Days
Ink TypeUV
Poster Material5mm White Foamboard
Hardware MaterialMetal

Product Highlights

Option for indoor or outdoor displays
Long-term for displays
High-definition image prints
H-Frame iron stand
Easy to adjust the height up and down as you want
Quick and easy setup
Reliable and reuseable
Stand height: 1100mm to 2070mm
Single-sided or Dual-sided displays
Suitable for: Backdrop, Advertising compaigns, Events, Tradeshows, Roadshow, Expos, Election, Schools activities, Grand opening, Religion events, Birthday party etc..

Price Calculator


What would you like to do?

Size ( Single-sided 5mm Foamboard )Set
A0 841 x 1188 mmRM136.00
A1 594 x 841 mmRM118.00
A2 420 x 594 mmRM109.00
A3 297 x 420 mmRM105.00
Size ( Dual-sided 5mm Foamboard )Set
A0 841 x 1188 mmRM162.00
A1 594 x 841 mmRM131.00
A2 420 x 594 mmRM115.00
A3 297 x 420 mmRM108.00

** same day order will add extra 50% amount for urgent handling charge.